This electronics retail store
in the airport is one example of the many ways Lumicor Material can be utilized.
It is beautiful, versatile, and can be cut and thermoformed into virtually any
shape and use.
The illuminated component of the Point Of Sale (below) was constructed from ¾” Lumicor with a light defusing backer, thermoformed to shape and assembled with a rabbet joint. This also allows access to the lighting and electrical components for future maintenance. The countertop is high-performance resin with chemical and antimicrobial resistance. The entire light box and has a fully renewable surface finish. Assembly was coordinated with the casework manufacturing company to ensure seamless installation and maintain design intent.
The display dividers are 2” thick solid Lumicor Resin panels back-lit with a fully renewable surface finish. These panels add stunning detail to the display wall.
The face of this electronic display (below) is also composed of ¾” Lumicor with a light defusing backer, thermoformed to shape and assembled with a tongue-and-groove joint. This assembly is critical for two reasons. First tongue-and-groove is not typically used with acrylic because the joint is more visible with translucent material. Second, the “tongue” is fragile and can be broken unless care is taken during the assembly process.
Alignment is also particularly difficult because the material thickness can vary +/- 10%. As you can see from the pictures, the Assembly and installation went smoothly. This fixture face also has a fully renewable surface finish.
This dazzling back-lit countertop (below) is fabricated from high-performance resin to enhance chemical and anti-microbial resistance. It has a translucent light diffuser applied to the back of Lumicor panels to reduce hot spots and create a softer glow. The décor is Recycled Glass. The panels are embedded with glass aggregate that is 98%-100% recycled post-industrial content or post-consumer content. Each panel contains glass aggregate that comes from crushed bottles, plates, windows, and other recycled glass products. The Sushi bar is designed in four parts to be movable and stored away to suit any party capacity needed.
This decorative ceiling panel is symmetrical in shape, but can be installed in an infinite number of orientations creating flow while simultaneously breaking up the straight lines of the space. This inventive feature can be thermoformed from any number of Lumicor décors adding to the esthetic characteristics of the room. Brining natural elements into a room (in this case, green leaves) demonstrate the unique characteristics the Lumicor material lend to any design.
The Wave Panel can be aligned end-to-end to create a continuous rolling wave. The curved lines from the natural décor (cherry wood ribbon) as well as the formed shape of the ceiling feature, showcase the personality of this design detail. (Illustrated in the photo below) Adding this curled surface enhances the atmosphere of the space.